Monday, January 27, 2025

Guilders Weave 2025

 The Tidewater Basket Guild hosted the 26th Annual Guilders Weave on January 16 -19, 2025.  The Marriot hotel at Newport News was filled with basket weavers ready to learn new techniques, meet old friends and make new acquiesces through the weekend. 

Thursday evening I made a random weave vessel attached to a shell.  The class was lead by TBG member Rose Glen.  It was a relaxing way to begin the weekend. 

Both Friday and Saturday I wove twill patterns baskets.   Friday, I worked with Judy Wobbleton and on Saturday I wove with Peggy Adleman. I definitely had to concentrate more on these than the random weave shell!

I concluded the weekend coiling around a gourd under the direction of Debbie Wilson.  The inside of the gourd was decoupaged with stamped tea bag paper.  

Odyssey 2024

 The Odyssey Weaving Convention in September is the highlight of the Central Pennsylvania Basket Weavers Guild year.  This year did not disappoint.  

Thursday evening, I made a small woven bowl with ripcord.  Lead by Linda Shutz, it was a fun way to begin the weekend.

Friday Jane Tolar demonstrated attaching seed beads around a larger stone.  It can be later used as a center of a pine needle bowl.  It was a slow, time-consuming process, but the results were lovely for every participant.  

Saturday I taught a class for one day participants.  This gave them the opportunity to make a basket and see all the other classes and opportunities the convention has to offer. 

On Sunday I concluded the weekend taking a class from Susan Baxler.  Using a plastic jig we wove with round reed to form a trivet.  I really enjoyed the process and made more trivets once I got home.